"Time" Ash Tray
"Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment in life."
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"Ice" Ash Tray
"I'm cold as ice but in the right hands, I'll melt."
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"Who Stole Patrick's Candy Bar" Geeb
Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants Gravity Bong. Includes socket, bottle, and Geeb cup.
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"Crime Scene" Ash Tray
"Art is a crime scene in a sense, a crucible, of the mind and heart and our dreams."
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"Pink Explosion" Ash Tray
"She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on."
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"Elegance" Geeb
Elegance Geeb Gravity Bong. Includes socket, bottle, and Geeb cup.
(*Message me if you are interested in purchasing*)
"Fuck Your Opinion" Geeb
"I Swear It Looked Better In My Head" Geeb
Like it says, "Fuck Your Opinion" Geeb Gravity Bong. Includes socket, bottle, and Geeb Cup.
(*Message me if you are interested in purchasing*)
I really promise this looked a lot better in my head (lol). Gravity Bong, which includes socket, bottle, and Geeb cup. (*Message me if you are interested in purchasing*)