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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At the 8th Hour Prologue

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

The Beginning

"Close your eyes!" I yelled as I held a tight grasp on the kitchen knife. I only had a few seconds to save Kris, but saving her would come at a far greater cost than my heart could take. Kris' hands were barely holding back the thing we once called mom; her enlarged, sharp teeth were inches from her face. Blood had mixed in with Kris' sweaty palms, as she tried to push back our mother's jagged nails.

Our mother had been complaining of an intense headache for days, and had been losing large patches of hair at a record speed. Regular home remedies were clearly not cutting it, but she refused to go to the hospital for unknown reasons. My dad couldn't take it, and had called the ambulance more than half a dozen times. It was only until later we realized why no one came…

Sunday morning started off somewhat normal, or as normal as one can be. The banging started off low and unsteady, barely audible. As the hours passed, the banging became louder, until it was too much to ignore. As our dad headed to the bedroom door, it swung open with what can only be described as a gray faced demon. The room was filled with screams and wailing as my dad began to fight for his dear life. Within minutes, the floor was covered in his blood and bits of his flesh my mom couldn't finish eating.

The room began to blur, and all I could hear were the screams and yells around me. I had only seconds to respond, and yet at that moment, everything froze. The scent of rotting decay, and rancid blood disappeared. I couldn't see the swarm of flies and pile of maggots that were being thrown about as the fight continued. The taste of poisonous, spoiled flesh never left my mouth though. Instead it intensified. I couldn't feel anything, but the rapid beating of my heart. My younger sister's screams grew louder against my ears. My heart began to ache; it felt so heavy and painful. Everything around me made it harder to think. If I spent another second surrounded by this madness, my younger sister would be savagely murdered by our own mother. I couldn't…

"CLOSE YOUR EYES KRIS!"I screamed again. I lunged forward, not knowing what I would do, or what would happen. My sight faded to black, and all I could do was scream as I felt my body move on its own. I don't know what happened next, but I felt the knife plunge into flesh. And as if it were on cue, my heart began to break. Pain overwhelmed my entire being as if I was being torn apart at an excruciating slow pace. My insides began burning, and I felt every breath leave my body. The last thing I remembered was my screams echoing against the neverending darkness, and the feel of the warmth of blood as it landed on my face.

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