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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

Happy: Beginning Ch 1

The first reported sighting of a “naked, aggressive humanoid” male occurred January 21, 2032. It was roughly 11:20 in the morning in Merino Park, Providence [Rhode Island], when a female [Mrs. Hudson] was attacked by the unidentified male. The unidentified strange male knocked out Mrs. Hudson, and proceeded to attempt to rape her. Thankfully, there were a few bystanders around that managed to subdue the subject before he could do anything more.

The few bystanders who gave a report, described the “attack” as “monstrous, grotesque, and nightmare inducing”. The male had attempted to brutally rape Mrs. Hudson in broad daylight, leaving bite marks and deep scratches on her back. Psych evaluations were recommended for Mrs. Hudson and the bystanders.

The suspect was tranquilized by authorities soon after they arrived. They attempted to handcuff the individual, but found that it was far more difficult than they could imagine. Though the individual was nothing more than skin and bones, he was far more powerful than anticipated. Five police officers were on top of the individual, and he managed to throw them off with ease.

Unfortunately, the suspect had escaped after capture. It ran deep into the woods by Woonasquatucket River, never to be seen again. No other trace of the suspect was ever found. Other than the DNA found on Mrs. Hudson, no other DNA was found.

The behavior was odd, to say the least. Bystanders described the individual as “rabid…as if it were infected with a virus”. It wouldn’t listen to reason, and acted as if it didn’t understand basic English. It was growling, and had a disgusting odor. It’s shaggy gray hair had covered most of its body. It covered its genitalia, anus, and ran down its legs and up its back.

It had sharp nails, and its teeth were so sharp

that it was cutting the frail skin that

surrounded it. The lead investigator joked

about how it sounded like a psych-ward

patient “Werewolf?”. Though it wasn;t long

before it became the reality.

The second reported sighting occurred three months, and four days later [April 25, 2032]. The incident took place around 10:35 PM in Central Park (NY), with a young lady (*name and age not given in original report. May be a minor*). The young lady managed to escape, but eventually succumbed to an intense fever at Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital in Columbia University.

The young lady suffered injuries on both legs, pelvis, left shoulder, neck, and right arm. By the time the young lady reached the hospital, she had broken into a fever, reaching 105 degrees. The hospital staff attempted to ice her, but within a matter of minutes, she had practically cooked her organs.

The extent of the injuries were

far worse than the previous attack.

The scratches and bite marks were

more deeper, with noticeable chunks

of muscle missing. Pieces of her

flesh were later recovered from

the attacker’s stomach.

The attacker was gunned down, though it took a few dozen bullets. The attack had done more property damage more than anything else, destroying a large majority of the park. Dozens of vagrants were injured, and several thousands of dollars were spent to fix the problem. The media outlet had caught wind of the incident, and by morning, everyone had heard.

The attacker was sent to an undisclosed site for testing. After the first attack a small group of scientists and soldiers were assigned the task of learning about these creatures. The higher ups knew there was something wrong, and did not want to waste time. Unfortunately, the only thing that came out of a 17-hour long evaluation, were more questions. Though the anatomy had resembled that of a male human, there were a few obvious differences. One of the most obvious things was the size and shape of its lungs. They were considerably bigger, with a layer of (what looked like) air sacs around them. They were a bright, vibrant red color, with dark purple veins. There were a few more ribs, compared to that of a human, with an additional layer for protection. The skin was a lot thicker and harder to penetrate; something that the local NYPD noticed during their encounter. The very little muscle it did have was extraordinary; it’s closest comparison was that of chimpanzees.

The most alarming discovery found

was the reproductive system. Other

than the heart and lungs, a large majority

of the blood vessels targeted its genitalia . The

area was larger than the average male.

Further data analysis on the brain would

eventually show that their “libido” would be un-

matched compared to that of any other male mammal.

The third attack occurred five months, three weeks, and two days later [October 18, 2032] in Texas Health Allen, Allen Texas. After an excruciating 16-hour long labor, Mrs. Klandis was found horrifically raped, and killed. Her pelvis was shattered during the incident, which immediately led to internal bleeding. The hospital staff and crew had only heard her cries and screams for a few seconds before everything went silent. By the time help arrived, she was dead. The intruder, a much larger male, was busy making his way through other female staff members and patients.

Through extensive research, a certain “connection” was made between victims. It was obvious that the attackers aimed at females, but not every female was attacked. Some of the bystanders in the first incident were females. Older women were not attacked either. One of the nurses who survived the onslaught during the third attack, was in her 60’s. After further investigation, it was confirmed that these women were “fertile” during the moment of being attacked. These monsters were attacking women who were “in heat”. Unfortunately, no one was prepared for it to turn into a “nationwide” problem.

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