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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour

Chapter 27

Days Since Incident: 77

Time: 9:55

Place: Campsite

Climate: 35°F

“GRAE!” Andrew yelled again this time louder. Rayn ran behind Andrew and tried to drag him away.

“Andrew! STOP! We need to go!” Rayn yelled; Andrew would not be detoured.

“I heard her screaming!” Andrew yelled angrily. “She needs our help.”

“And how do you suppose we’d help?!” Rayn asked angrily. “She was trying to save you! Why are you making it more difficult for her and everyone else?! We need to GO!”

Just then Kris, Sonya, and a few others came running towards Rayn and Andrew.

“Where is Grae!?” Kris asked. Just then, Grae’s screams were heard one last time, followed by a loud popping sound. It sounded grotesque, as if something large was crushed. Everyone looked in horror at the house.

They head loud footsteps approaching the opened doorway. The Black Reaper slowly walked out, the heavy stench of blood permeated the air quickly. There was a large, sharp piece of wood jammed into the side of its head. Other than the wooden piece on the side of its head, there was no other visible injury. It wasn’t phased by Grae’s last attack; he pulled the wooden piece out without so much flinching.

The group was horrified; there was no sign of Grae anywhere. Sonya and Andrew began crying dramatically.

“Grae…” Andrew whimpered. The Black Reaper’s eyes were back on Andrew.

“Grae won’t be answering your pleas....she is long past us.” the Black Reaper said, almost with a laugh.

‘You bastard!” Andrew screamed. He tried to run towards it but Rayn grabbed Andrew and broke out into a run. The group followed suit, running to the only place they thought was a refuge: the mountain’s opening.

It was a small opening, no bigger than the front door to a house. It was behind layers of foliage, and behind a few houses. It would be easily missed if Kris and Sonya didn’t happen to come across it first.

There was a narrow pathway that ran about 20 feet in length. It eventually led to a much larger opening, big enough to fit a few houses inside.

The group rushed inside, hoping the Black Reaper did not know of its existence. Unfortunately for them, there was just one exit. If, and when, the Black Reaper did discover them, they would have nowhere to run.

‘What was that THING?!” Kris asked wide-eyed.

“More importantly,” cried another, “what does it want?”

“It wants the boy!” one of Rayn’s men yelled. “Give it the boy!”

“NO!” Rayn yelled, as he stood in front of Andrew. There was a monstrous, demonic look in Rayn’s eyes; he was not going to let anyone near Andrew. “Anyone who wants him will have to go through me!”

The look on everyone’s face shifted; they were getting angry. “You’ll doom us all to save one person?!” one of his men cried.

“We are going to die because of one God-damn kid?!” an older female cried out in frustration.

“WE ARE NOT GIVING ANDREW TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY TO THAT THING!!!” Rayn yelled louder, silencing the group at once. The cave was quiet again; nothing else was heard, other than the sound of water dripping, and heavy breathing. Deep heavy breathing…

It took the group a few minutes to realize the deep, heavy breathing was not coming from the. The group slowly turned around in horror towards the only exit, and noticed the Black Reaper staring at them. It had heard the commotion, and calmly walked inside.

Everyone’s faces grew pale. The air quickly grew cold as the two parties bgan staring at each other. The Black Reaper’s gaze fell towards Andrew; a sense of dread washed over him. Without thinking, Rayn dragged Andrew behind him. He had no weapons; if there was a fight, he was going to lose.

“Kris! Take everyone and GO!” Rayn ordered.

“What the hell do you think you’re going to do?!” Kris yelled. “It fucking killed Grae!”

“Just shut up!” Rayn yelled back. “I can buy you guys some time. Get the others to the trucks and LEAVE!” Before the group had a chance to act, the Black Reaper began speaking.

“I do not wish to kill all of you. All I the boy…” it said; its voice was dripping with anticipation.

“Sorry, but that’s not going to happen!” Rayn bluntly said. “Kris go!”

“STOP!” Andrew yelled, gaining everyone’s attention. He came from behind Rayn, and stood in front of the group.

“It wants me…” Andrew said. “Do you promise to let them go?” he asked the Black Reaper.

“Some will die…” it said ominously with a smile.

“Andrew, stop it!” Rayn yelled. “Grae would not have wanted you to do this!”

“She is dead!” Andrew responded back. “I won’t let that thing kill Sonya!”

Just then, a painful scream broke through the air. It sounded like a broken animal, seconds away from dying. Everyone turned to the entrance, where Grae stood. Her body was destroyed; one leg was bent in a 90 degree angle, one of her eyes was hanging by a vein, her skull was slightly concave, and there were gashes all over her body.

At the sight of Grae, Kris, Andrew, and the others shrieked in horror. She shouldn’t have survived the fight, let alone walk to the group. No one was more surprised than the Black Reaper.

“Oh...this is interesting…” it said.

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