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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour

Days Since Incident: 1102

Time: 15:40

Place: Campsite, Grae and Rayn’s Home

Climate: 69°F

“What happened while I was gone?” Grae asked as she entered the clustered, noisy house. The place was littered with books and blankets scattered all over the place. They had entered through the kitchen, and noticed that the sink was also filled with dishes, and there were plenty more on the table and counter top. There was even a pot of stew boiling on top of the stove. They heard the kids somewhere in the house playing; their laughter and giggling could be heard even from outside.

Their house was the largest in the compound: fitted with five rooms, three bathrooms, a basement, attic, and a detached garage. They gutted everything, and turned it to an orphanage and school. They found multiple kids alone outside, and Grae would immediately take them in.

Grae and Rayn had a room to themselves; the five boys were in another room close to the stairs; the six girls to the room by the bathroom (which also happened to be the largest room); Mimi’s room was closest to the boys; Kris (Grae’s sister) had the room closest to the back of the house. Kris used to live with them, but had only recently gone "m.i.a." after an argument broke out between her and Grae. Grae didn’t seem too worried about it; she figured her sister was staying over another house in the meantime.

The basement was outfitted as a school, with three small tables, and a few mismatched chairs. There was an array of shelves that were filled with books found during their expeditions. There were two small, beat-up looking chalkboards leaning against the wall. There were no toys in sight; the only thing around were pictures of different Chasers and weapons.

In “school”, the kids were required to learn English, Math, History, Surviving Outdoors, Extensive Weaponry, Basic Medical Knowledge, and Chaser 101. They were expected to attend for one hour each day, for seven days. Each day, a teacher would come in, and teach a particular subject. Then the kids would go to work at whichever department needed help. Adults were also given classes during the evening, learning everything they can about surviving outside.

The attic was kept empty most of the time, and only used as an emergency route. There was a pull down ladder outside, which was kept locked at all times. The only way to unlock it, and go down, was from the attic’s window.

The garage was kept locked at all times. It was a decent size garage, almost the size of a small barn. As soon as anyone opened the door, they were greeted with dozens of Grae’s handmade weapons. She would use whatever bone was available from a fresh kill. There were swords, bows and arrows, and spears available for whatever situation arose.

There were also two black Harley Davidson bikes that were "eventually" going to be fixed. Just below the bikes was a latch, completely covered. No one knew what was beneath the latch, only Grae.

“Oh, you’re finally home!” Mimi said, as she entered the kitchen. Mimi made her way to Grae, and gave her a small hug. She then hugged Sonya and Rayn, who stood behind Grae.

“How are the kids?” Rayn asked, moving directly to the stew. He was hungry, and wanted to eat NOW.

“They’re good. They wanted to do something special for Grae when she returned home. They’re still working on their little play.” she giggled. “Food will be ready in a bit.”

Grae began to slowly move towards the stairs. Though she had slept for days, she was still very tired. Not to mention, there were a lot of questions that she needed answers for. All she wanted to do was head over to the garage to work.

“Grae, where are you going?” Rayn asked. Sonya had followed Grae, wondering the same thing.

“I just wanted to lay down for a bit.” Grae said. Doc said she could walk around, but to take it easy “going back to work”. And knowing Grae very well, Rayn knew she was restless for answers. But Rayn knew she needed rest, and whether she liked it or not, she was going to get some.

“Let’s go then.” Rayn said, directing her up the stairs.

“You suck.” Grae mumbled in a low voice that only Rayn heard. Rayn ignored her comment, and kept ushering her up the stairs.

“Sonya, why don’t you let the others know we are back. And make sure they start cleaning up this mess.” he said, waving his hand around the air. “Mimi, let us know when the stew is ready.” With that, Sonya nodded and ran up the stairs ahead of them.

“Stew should be ready in 15 minutes. I can bring you both up some later.” Mimi said, turning her attention back to the stew.

The climb upstairs took a lot longer than expected. But Rayn remained patient with Grae, keeping a steady hand on her back.

“You don’t have to babysit me Rayn. I’m a big girl.” Grae said as she took another step.

“Oh, I know you’re a big girl. I also know that you aren’t trying to rest.” Rayn said. “And I am so tired, and I’d like to rest, so we’re going to bed.”

“Well, why don’t you rest old man?” Grae jokes. Rayn chuckled.

“I need my cuddle buddy. I haven’t been sleeping well without her.” he whispered, so that only Grae heard him.

She felt bad, having him deal with everything on his own. ‘Perhaps I can start tomorrow?’ Grae thought to herself.

“And besides,” Rayn continued, breaking Grae out of her trance, “one of us has to stay awake for this play-thingy the kids did. So I need you to stay awake, and out of work, for them.”

“Ugh, fine!” Grae said finally. But first thing in the morning, Grae was going to start looking for answers.

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