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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour

Chapter 26

Days Since Incident: 77

Time: 9:50

Place: Campsite

Climate: 35°F

“RUN!” Grae yelled as she grabbed Andrew’s arm. “RUNNNNN!!!” The entire area erupted into chaos, with civilians running to different abandoned homes. Grae dragged Andrew underneath a truck, with the Reaper right behind them.

They crawled underneath the truck, and broke out into a sprint once the second they reached the other side. Grae’s mind began to race with ideas on how to escape, but she didn’t have many options.

She couldn’t just take Andrew and drive away; she couldn’t leave Sonya and Kris. They couldn’t stay underneath a vehicle; the Reaper could easily grab them.

Grae turned to see that the Reaper was about 15 feet behind them, slowly gaining. It was a slow mover, giving Grae and Andrew a slight advantage. They had no choice; Grae ran to the closest house, and closed the door.

Without hesitation, Grae grabbed the first thing she saw to barricade the door. It was a flimsy cabinet with a few bottles of wine, that were still full. It wouldn’t last a minute against a child, let alone something that Grae didn’t fully know at the time.

“Grae!” someone yelled behind her. Grae turned and saw Rayn clutching a bat; he was accompanied by two kids that were part of his group. Their faces were pale white with fear.

At that moment, the front door’s door knob began rattling. The small group was terrified, unable to move, as they continued to stare at the front door.

Just then, the rattling stopped; everything became eerily quiet. Grae motioned for Rayn. “Take the kids, and escape out of the back of the house.” she whispered. “Find the others, and get as far away from this place as possible.”

“What about you Grae?!” Andrew asked with horror-filled eyes.

“I’m going to buy you guys some time.” Grae whispered.

“NO!” Andrew yelled accidentally. Before Grae could say or do anything, a much deeper, creepy voice began to speak.

“Give me the boy…” it said. “GIVE ME THE BOY!” The group broke out screaming at the sound of its voice.

“GO!” Grae yelled at Rayn. He grabbed Andrew’s arm and the two other kids, and ran to the back of the house. Andrew continued to protest even as they ran across more foliage, to another house. The front door flew open as Andrew screamed, “GRAE!”


Grae grabbed a wooden plank that she found on the floor; that was all she had. Her gun was still in the truck, and there was no way she’d be able to get it.

The Black Reaper entered the house in a slow, careful manner. The Reaper’s eyes were scanning the area, looking for any sign of Andrew. Grae couldn’t remember why the Black Reaper was obsessed with Andrew; it never revealed anything to her.

She didn’t wait for it to be aware of her presence. She ran towards it, swinging the wooden plank at the Reaper’s mid-section. The plank bursted into a million pieces, having no effect on the Reaper.

The Black Reaper looked at Grae, as if realizing just now that she was in the room. In a quick flash, it threw her across the room. She landed painfully on her back; she heard the crack of a few bones as they broke.

“Where is the boy?” it asked again; its voice getting notably angrier.

The impact of Grae’s crash knocked the wind out of her. She was a bit disorientated as it asked the same question over and over again. Grae was not going to let it go anywhere near Andrew.

She slowly got up from the floor, clutching to her chest. The pain she was feeling couldn’t be described in words.

“WHERE IS THE BOY?!” it asked, its voice booming louder with each word.

“FUCK YOU! THAT’S WHERE!!!” Grae yelled back, as she lunged at it again. Grae didn’t even get within five feet from it, before it threw her again. This time, she was thrown hard against a door frame. Her fibula broke in half, ripping through her skin.

She let out a painful scream, which carried throughout the entire abandoned lot. The Black Reaper was amused at her pain; he wanted to cause more.

“You are not worthy of “MY” change. Regardless...I will enjoy killing you.” it said with a dark, ominous voice.

Grae couldn’t move much; she began to crawl painfully across the floor. She needed something to defend herself, but all she had at her disposal was a broken sofa, and piles of trash.

“Where do you run to?” it asked, in a joking matter. “I’m not done with you.”

It grabbed Grae painfully by her hair, lifting her off from the floor. It took its long nails, and began scratching her midsection. Grae’s screams grew louder as her blood splashed everywhere.

It then began stabbing her all over, making sure not to hit anything vital. It wanted to play with her; it wanted to make her suffer before it actually killed her.

Grae’s screaming began to fade; she was losing her voice from straining it. It threw her back onto the floor; she landed painfully on her back.

It climbed over her, its weight breaking a few more bones. It grabbed her face and began to apply pressure. She tried to push it off her, but it didn’t work.

Grae felt like her eyes were about to pop out of her skull. As her vision began to fade to black, she heard Andrew screaming for her again. Grae heard well as the Reaper.

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