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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour Chapter 1

Days Since Incident: 1,095

Time: 14:35:15

Place: 40.3360°N, 74.2911°W

Climate: 71°F, Cloudy

The dense forest had a pungent stench that seemed endless. The forest had overgrown into a tangled mess, as if nature had taken back its land with untamed ferocity. It would've been proven difficult to walk amongst the fallen debris without so much of a noise, yet the few men in black managed to do so. They moved slowly amongst the thicket, making sure not to alarm any nearby Chasers, or worse…

The men stood in a single straight line, walking behind their Captain, awaiting orders. They didn't utter a sound, but instead, observed the various cues that their captain gave with his available hand. They could only imagine the consequences if they rushed, and they couldn't risk losing anymore lives.

Chasers had an incredible sense of hearing; even the slightest noise had the risk of detection. Their teeth were razor sharp, often breaking their weak, grey skin around their mouth. Though human in form, they were no longer civilized; acting more like a wild animal with rabies. Their skin was a sickly grey, and their eyes had fallen off. There were deep, dark holes in places where their eyes once were. There were few strands of hair left, and their physique had changed dramatically. Their skin was sagging, and whatever muscle they had prior were gone.

As long as the guards were careful and quiet, they could go undetected, even if a Chaser were within a few feet from them. Everything they wore was to ensure that little to no noise could be made. The guards wore various fabrics to ensure enough padding to prevent injury, or worse, an attack from a Chaser. It took time to design the uniform to allow easy movement, but also allow the guard to grab their weapon at any point.

Combat boots were needed, though there were few modifications that could be done to it. They used motorcycle helmets due to the overall coverage and the convenience. They were armed with swords and small daggers; only two of them carried guns. Bullets were of value, so it was only used in the event of an emergency.

They continued to slowly make their way through the forest heading to the abandoned hospital a few hundred yards away. Another group had gone before them earlier that morning, but did not return as promised. Something didn't sit right with the Captain; there were no flare signals. There was nothing to show that they needed help, or that they came face to face with a Chaser. So instead of staying behind with his men at the bus, they decided to search for the others.

They continued for the next few minutes, seemingly getting nowhere, until they made an abrupt stop. The guards seemed confused, until they looked ahead. There was a shadowy figure looming 30 yards in front of them. The creature wore an ashy white cloak, and stood about seven and a half feet tall. Long, wrinkly, pale, dry arms protrude past the long sleeves. Long, sharp, ragged claws could be seen, reaching a foot long, dragging against the forest floor. Though many of the men have never seen one before, they knew all-too-well it was a Reaper.

The Reaper continued walking, paying no attention to the group of men who stood a few yards away. Unlike a regular Chaser, Reapers had full function of their vision and hearing. Some were even able to form words and speak.

The Reaper turned to their direction. The hood from its cloak covered its face, but the group knew that its eyes were on them. The air was immediately tense; breathing became infinitely tiresome. It stood there eyeing the group as if contemplating its next move. If it decided to attack, the group would be destroyed in minutes. Regular guns and swords were meaningless against them. Unless they knew the Reaper’s weak spot, it would ram through the group like a tidal wave against a small rock.

The group began to fall back, ignoring their Captain. Their fear began to permeate the air around them. The group heard the Reaper sniff, familiarizing itself with the stench of their fear. The group was at least a foot back, but the Captain remained. He readied his pistol, aiming it to the Reaper’s head. He knew it was pointless, but he would do anything to give his men a head start back to the bus.

After a few minutes, the Reaper turned its attention back to the forest, as if it was looking for something. It became evident to the Captain that this particular Reaper had its attention set on the abandoned hospital.

Out of nowhere, a large crash echoed against the forest floor. At that moment, the Reaper grew excited and quickened its pace. Being careful was no longer an option for the young Captain. All he could think about was what was happening at the abandoned hospital. Fire and smoke could be quickly seen seconds after the blast. The once quiet air was filled with screams and gun fire. In his heart, he knew who the Reaper was after. And he hoped that he would be able to get to her before it did.

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