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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour Chapter 12

Days Since Incident: 1,095

Time: 18:56

Place: Outside Campsite (location unknown)

Climate: 71°F

“Get everyone inside NOW!” Captain Rayn screamed over the sound of bullets. Without a moment's hesitation, the group of civilians and Outriders (led by Doc) made a mad dash. Within seconds, the main gate began to lift, revealing a few more armed Outriders. They created a quick barrier as the group entered, protecting against any loose Chasers.

Just as Doc ran in, she screamed, “Where is Danny?”

An Outrider, with a red scarf tied to his left forearm, ran up to Doc. He was accompanied by two other Outriders: a male and female.

“I need you to drop Demon, and release King and Queen!” Doc ordered. Danny’s eyes nearly bulged out, but quickly sprung into action.

“DROP DEMON!” Danny yelled to the Outriders on the wall. Three men ran to a lever, situated at the rear, and began the strenuous process of releasing it. It took a few minutes, but the lever finally dropped. There was a few seconds of silence before a heavy thud rocked the foundation.

Danny and another Outrider ran to two levers that were placed on both sides of the inside gate. It was far easier to bring the lever down, compared to the one above. Within seconds, loud growls echoed against the warm air.

Doc made a run for the set of stairs that led to the top of the wall. “Mike, Ron! I need you to take those kids to the clinic! Auto, Lori! Take the other two to the main post!”

The Outriders separated, taking their respective civilians with them. Doc grabbed a gun as soon as she landed on the stone ledge. She took aim at the Hybrid Chaser, which at this point, had morphed into something terrifying.

One wing had sprung from the center of its back. The wing was twice the size of the Hybrid Chaser. It was a sickly gray color, and looked to resemble a weathered hand. Grotesque nails poked out of several points of the wing.

The Hybrid Chaser had made a few changes to its appearance. Its jaw was unhinged, revealing several rows of jagged teeth. Its feet grew twice its size, as it gripped the ground beneath it. It slouched, with its long arms dragging onto the floor.

Queen and King were on either side of it, ready to attack. Once large Mastiff dogs, now reduced to obedient dog chasers. There was a black aura around them; their sharp spinal cord ripped through their backs, and massive teeth ripped through the skin around their mouths. They were hungry, having not fed since the last Chasers approached the gate.

A black, shiny object momentarily blinded the Outriders on the wall. Demon, the name Grae had given her unique sword, had struck the Earth so hard, that it dug itself a foot and a half into the dirt. It was incredibly heavy; not many could swing it. It would take at least four men to carry it. Fortunately for Captain Grae, she could swing it with ease.

Demon was a large spinal cord (cut from a Reaper) with large spikes (2 feet in length) along the backside. A long blade was attached to the front of the spinal cord. The handle was covered with a black piece of clothing that looked to have been wrapped several times.

The second Demon landed on the floor, the tension grew tenfold. It was as if Demon let out a mighty war cry, and was affecting the Hybrid Chaser. It gave out a shrill cry, as if the very sight of Demon brought out indescribable pain. It began clawing at its face, revealing the rotting flesh beneath its horrid skin. But the Hybrid Chaser didn’t move; it remained fixed at its spot.

“Grae! Let’s go!” Rayn yelled, trying to get Grae to move. But she stood steadfast, not moving an inch. She kept her aim on the beast, as she tried to get a good read on it.

Patience reaching an all time low, Rayn ran for Grae, and began dragging her to the gate. They didn’t get past a few feet, before the Hybrid Chaser lunged at them.

It flew at least 15 yards to the two, landing against a tree. King and Queen ran in front of Rayn and Grae, protecting them from the Chaser’s next move. It landed on the floor on its hands and feet, looking directly at Grae. NO MATTER WHAT, this Chaser was not going to let Grae go. It wanted her, and was going to go through anything to get her.

“You can never make things easy, huh?” Rayn asked Grae in annoyance. He wanted to get inside the safety of the campsite. This was far more action in one day than he expected.

“I know, but this needs to be dealt with.” Grae said as she swayed painfully. She was close to fainting, but the fact that it was determined to get her, kept her awake. And seeing that it could reach certain heights and feet easily, left her feeling uncertain.

Grae looked towards Demon. She needed to get her hands on it; there was no way she could defeat it in her condition, without help. But it would still be difficult to carry Demon with her wounds.

“Get inside Rayn!” Grae said as she prepared herself to run for Demon.

“I’m not leaving you!” Rayn responded angrily.

“It’s after me dumbass! You can get inside. Leave it to me!” Grae screamed, hoping to convince Rayn of saving himself.

“Stop pushing me away!” Rayn screamed as he forced her to look at him. “I’m not leaving you!”

The couple was suddenly interrupted by a deep, monstrous chuckle. They turned to face the Hybrid Chaser, who had begun laughing at them.

“How...fucking cute.” It said with a disgusting deep voice.

Rayn and Grae were stunned; never have they encountered a Chaser with the ability to speak.

“No one will save you anyways..” It said.

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