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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour Chapter 16

Days Since Incident: 73

Time: 15:43

Location: unknown

Climate: 36°F

The small group of people continued to survey the two black trucks from the safety of the cliffside. Weeks of small food and water rations, with multiple attacks from the infected, have now forced the group to rob whomever passed by.

A few days after the government shut down, thousands of civilians began piling out of their homes, in search of salvation. Few stayed behind, unable to rely on false hope. They also figured it would be easier to rob empty homes, and grocery stores, than to wander the streets hungry.

For the first few weeks, the small group of 60 were unable to survive quite comfortably. But as the number of surviving stragglers dwindled, and food sources became bare, the group became desperate. Tension grew in the group, to the point were cannibalism was a strong viable option.

“Boss, we’ve been staring at them for a Goddamn hour. Are we going to jump?” a skinny, starved individual said, as he hid behind a mountain of snow. The “Boss” slowly peered behind an Oak tree, and observed the parked trucks.

The trucks were first spotted a little over an hour ago, but there was no sign of any civilians. They remained alone, and deserted, parked on the side of the highway. It was as if some unknown force dropped them off when no one was looking.

“It’s still weird…” their boss said. “If we are not careful, we are not going to be walking out of there alive.” Despite his words, the small group of five were impatient. Even if their lives were at risk, they were willing to search anything for food.

After a few seconds of thinking, the “Boss” held out his hand motioning the group forward. They carefully made their way down the tight, narrow slope. The ground was still covered in a few inches of snow, muffling the sound of their shoes. The group of men held onto their makeshift weapons, like their lives depended on it.

Once they reached ground level, they spread out; circling the two trucks. Their plan was to ambush any civilian hiding, while gaining access to the truck. But more importantly, avoid killing AND making any noise.

But as they circled the two trucks, they were greeted by two small kids. They didn’t look to be older than four and seven years old, huddled next to one of the doors. They were dressed for the weather, and look to have been well fed. Whoever took care of them had to have had food. The group of five couldn’t believe their luck.

Before anyone from the invading group could move, the boy (who had to have been around seven) grabbed the little girl, and pushed her behind him. He grabbed a stray stick, and held it out to prepare to fight.

It was obvious that he was outnumbered and outmatched, but he wasn’t going to let anything happen to the little girl.

One of the men let out a hearty laugh. “Do you think you can stop us with a stick?” he asked.

Without hesitation, the boy replied, “I won’t let you hurt my little sister.” His hands remained steady; there was no fear or hesitation in his words or actions. The “Boss” knew the kid would attack them if they got any closer.

The “Boss” lowered his weapon, and motioned for his men to do the same. They were reluctant, but eventually dropped their weapons.

“We do not intend to harm you, we just want to take some food. We have people, including children, that need to be fed.” the “Boss” said softly.

The boy’s eyes grew side. “You cannot steal from us! We only have enough for ourselves.” he responded, never dropping his weapon. He kept it steady towards the group’s leader. “I cannot let you steal from us.”

One of the men brought their weapon back up, as he walked straight up to the kid. He got within a few inches; both weapons a hair’s breadth apart from each other.

“Jackson! We do not hurt kids! BACK OFF!” the “Boss” screamed.

“FUCK OFF! This kid is in the way! We need the food!” Jackson screamed. The boy did not back down. His sister looked afraid, but she did not move an inch from her spot.

Just as Jackson brought his weapon up, a single shot echoed against the air. The group of men stood still, fear building forward. Before the “Boss” had a chance to figure out where the gunshot came from, he felt the blunt end of an object strike the back of his head. He was out cold before he realized what had happened.

The four men were also struck down seconds apart. The boy dropped his weapon , and the two kids ran to the new group, which numbered ten.

“Are you two ok?” a female asked, as she hovered over the unconscious leader. She kept her gun pointed to his head. Like the young boy, there was no hesitation or second guessing. She would kill him if he so much as moved.

“We are ok!” the boy said with a cheeky grin. “Nothing was going to happen to my baby sis.”

The female gave both a hug. Their little trip to find supplies didn’t end the way they wanted. A small detour took over an hour, unfortunately leaving the only two kids in the group alone. Thankfully they made it back before anything happened.

“Grae, what do you think we should do with these guys?” another female asked. Grae looked at the battered men, close to death, and then at the kids.

“I don’t know, but it is close to nightfall. We cannot stay here too long.” she said.

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