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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour Chapter 18

Days Since Incident: 73

Time: 19:26

Location: Unknown

Climate: 32°F

“Where are you taking them?!” Rayn yelled at their female captor. She rounded up the four men, and she and three of her men led them to the other side of the trucks. They remained blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed, ensuring they weren’t going to run.

Rayn remained where he was at, tied to the back of the truck. He was, thankfully, only tied; he had full access to his eyes and mouth. The air remained cold and quiet. Rayn remained silent, in order to hear anything that sounded like his men were in trouble. Though getting out of his restraints would be difficult, he would try to find a way.

“Are you hungry?” a child-like female voice asked out of nowhere.

Rayn turned to the direction, and noticed that young girl from before. She stood several feet away from him, playing around with something in her hand. She looked scared, as if he were still a threat. To be honest, he didn’t blame her. He’d be scared too if his life were recently threatened.

“Yes, very much.” he said, not wanting to alarm her. ‘I WAS FUCKING STARVING.’

“Don’t feed him Sonya!” a young male voice said from behind an Oak tree. A few seconds later, the young male from before slowly approached Sonya, standing in front of her. He looked at Rayn with a mixture of anger and disgust.

“But…” Sonya said, fiddling with the small package in her hands. “I feel bad for him.”

“Well, don’t. He almost hurt us.” the young boy said.

“Look, I am sorry that my men and I scared you. It was never our intention. We were just desperate for food.” he began stating. “Thankfully your brother was there to protect you.”

The look on the boy’s face changed completely. He was proud of himself, having protected his little sister from five grown men. Sonya seemed proud of him too.

“Hunger makes you do crazy things…” the boy said. “But I don’t know...we don’t have much food.” They both looked troubled, as if they were burdened with the fact that there were others starving. If Rayn could just push it a little further…

“Look, I don’t want to take from you guys. But if you can talk to that scary lady about letting us go-” Rayn began but was quickly cut off by the boy.

“She isn’t scary! Grae is the best! She saved us, and continues to protect us!” he said angrily.

“Right, right…” he said, trying to get out of the hot water he found himself in.

“Come on Sonya, this guy doesn’t need our help. No one makes fun of Grae.” he said, guiding Sonya back towards the other side of the truck. Sonya seemed inclined to leave at that same moment as well. But as they turned the corner, something accidentally dropped onto the cold floor. It didn’t make a sound as it hit the snow, so the kids didn’t notice it.

It was hard to make out at first, but after a few seconds, Rayn could make out the faint packaging for a blueberry muffin.

‘Jesus fucking Christ!’ It was only less than 15 feet away, but it felt further. Rayn began struggling with his binds, as he attempted to reach the package. The cuffs that were on him, were also wrapped around a bar that was underneath the back end of the truck. The rattling of the cuffs against the bar felt louder than necessary, but Rayn didn’t care. He’d murder his entire family at this point for that blueberry muffin.

He began using his legs, trying to maneuver the bottom of his shoes to reach the source of his salvation. But no matter how close Rayn thought he was, he was still a bit far away.

“What do you have here?” a familiar female voice said from somewhere beside Rayn.

Rayn yelled, jumping back to the end of the truck. Grae stood there, laughing at the point of tears. ‘This bitch was going to be the death of me.’

“Jesus Christ! You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!” Rayn screamed. The thought of attracting any infected individuals never crossed Rayn’s mind.

She ignored him, and proceeded to pick up the muffin. She inspected it, as if it were a clue to a puzzle that she was looking to solve. She kept looking at it, and Rayn swore he felt his life drain away. It was like an agonizing slow, painful stab that felt worse as the seconds passed by; he knew deep down she was going to take it away.

“Was Sonya and Andrew here?” she asked finally. She didn’t bother looking up at Rayn, but kept her line of sight on the blueberry muffin.

“Yea, but they both left quickly.” Rayn said, not sure if he wanted to say anything else. “Sonya wanted to give me something to eat, but Andrew, the boy, said no...after I said…”

The look on her face suddenly changed. The only way Rayn could describe in words, but he knew he had a few seconds to live. Grae was in front of him within seconds, pinning him to the back of the truck. Though she was incredibly shorter than Rayn, she had this intense aura that made him feel small.

“What did you say to my kids?” she asked in a terrifying way.

“I called-” Rayn began, scrambling to get his words together. “I called you scary! And to be honest, you scare the fucking shit out of me!”

She looked into his eyes for what felt like hours. It made him feel incredibly uncomfortable, and if he knew he would get out alive, he would’ve headbutted her. But he knew she would kick his scrawny ass. Suddenly, out of nowhere, she smiled at him. ‘This fucking weirdo actually smiled at me?’

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