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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

At The Eighth Hour Chapter 4

Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Rhino Hybrid Chaser

Days Since Incident: 1,095

Time: 14:35

Place: 40.3660°N, 74.2911°W

Climate: 71°F

Mike and Ron were immediately greeted with a cool breeze, an ocean of trees, and a swarm of Chasers for miles. The explosion, fire, and screams had attracted multiple species of Chasers. They were surrounded on all sides, and they were closing in quickly.

"SHIT!" Ron exclaimed, pointing his gun at the crowd in front of him. He began to fire at the few, bringing them down, before he emptied his clip. Mike drew his sword, though he was visibly unsure of what to do next. Ron threw his gun, and drew his sword; his eyes giving away his fear. Neither was prepared to die, and if given the opportunity, they would run back inside and have their Captain take care of everything on her own.

The group of civilians were soon behind them, unaware of what awaited them outside. They were filled with the same bleak realization once they noticed what they faced. The group began to fall back; they slowly inched their way back towards the building. They were a few feet towards the entrance when they heard a large crash; the sound of footsteps were immediately followed heading towards them.

“MOVE!” Captain Grae screamed. The group barely moved in time before Captain Grae ran past them. She was immediately followed by Hybrid Chaser she was still fighting.

It was massive; about nine feet in height. Its body was primarily that of a rhino, but it seemed to have morphed into something different along certain parts of the body. There were different shades of brown fur along its legs, ears, and tail. Its toes were long, and darkened; it resembled bear feet and claws. Its eyes, mouth, and horns were engulfed in a menacing, pure white glow. There was also a notably scary white aura around it. It became immediately obvious to Captain Grae that this particular animal had been turned into a Hybrid Chaser by a White Reaper.

She jumped out of its path, seconds before the Chaser rammed through a few dozen smaller Chasers. Captain Grae was quick on her feet, running to the group. They greeted her as if she was Heaven-sent.

Before they could utter a word, she hushed them. “It is quiet.” She whispered. The air was filled with the wails of injured Chasers. A few were crushed after the bombardment. The Hybrid Chaser’s focus quickly changed; it began to maul down the smaller Chasers around it. It began to eat a few that were unfortunately close to it.

Captain Grae quickly looked around the area, before settling on a piece of the building that had fallen off. It was about a foot off of the floor. Captain Grae began to usher the group towards a large piece of fallen debris, helping a few to climb up. Mike, Ron, and Captain Grae remained on the floor, eyeing the surrounding Chasers. Most of them had targeted the Hybrid Chaser, attempting to attack it. A few handful of them staggered towards the burning building.

Captain Grae threw a small black bag towards Mike. He quietly opened it, and pulled out a flare gun, and ammo. There was a great chance that the gun was going to make noise, but they needed assistance getting out. As soon as the gun was fired, the area became quiet.

In the moment of silence, the Chasers and the Hybrid Chaser brought their attention to the group. The Hybrid Chaser immediately began to charge at the group, narrowly missing the wall the group had climbed. Captain Grae sprung into action, jumping on its back before attacking it with her sword. Its back was covered in a thick gray-ish armor, making it impossible for her to penetrate.

It let out a high-pitched roar, rolling onto its back. Captain Gae jumped off with seconds to spare. She landed on her feet, skidding towards a large Oak tree. Ron tightened his grip on the sword and began to charge at it, letting out a battle cry.

“RON DON’T ATTACK!” Captain Grae screamed. She quickly got back on her feet and raced towards Ron. The Hybrid Chaser began charging at Ron, its enlarged mouth opened. There were no visible teeth.

Just as Ron was within a meter of the Chaser, he stopped. Fear began to race through his body; at that moment, he remembered that he wanted nothing more than to escape. He no longer wanted to fight, and would rather have been anywhere else. He didn’t even remember why he began running towards the beast to begin with.

As the Hybrid Chaser reached Ron, it got up on its hind legs. It stood 17 feet tall over Ron, who just stood there, waiting to be killed. Its front feet quickly morphed into giant bear claws, about six feet in diameter. As its claw swung down on Ron Captain Grae pushed him out of the way. The Hybrid Chaser swatted Captain Grae towards the building. She crashed hard against the side of the building, creating a large, boulder-size hole.

At that moment, everything stopped. The group could no longer hear the wailing of the other Chasers surrounding them. Within seconds, their only hope of surviving was washed away with the sound of Captain Grae’s body smashing into the building. She wasn’t moving, and there was a large gash on her helmet.

The Hybrid Chaser came back down on all fours, and slowly began to walk towards Captain Grae. Its mouth began to enlarge again, as if ready to eat her whole. As it reached her, it picked her up with its tongue, and held her above its mouth. Its mouth looked like a bright white, never-ending chasm. In a very slow pace, rows of sharp, elongated teeth began to form. There were ten rows of teeth, going down towards its throat.

Just as the Hybrid Chaser began to slowly drop her, a loud roar that fit through the air.

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