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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

Chapter 14

Days Since Incident: 1,095

Time: 19:50

Location: Inside the First Gate (inside Campsite)

Climate: 69°F

Sonya and the kids stopped just in front of the main gate. Fear and worry spread across their faces; it wasn’t like their parents to stay this late. They could see the other Outriders that accompanied them running around frantically. Sonya remained resolute to her spot. Though she was scared, she knew her parents (in particular her mom) would be ok.

“Sonya! You kids shouldn’t be here!” Doc said as she came down the wall.

“WE are waiting for our parents.” she said.

“Sonya, still you guys-” Doc began, but was quickly interrupted by Sonya.

WE are waiting for our parents.” The kids around her looked at Doc with the same look at resolution as Sonya. No matter what Doc said or did, they weren’t moving.

Hector and Kayla approached the group at this moment, much to Doc’s surprise. “What are you two doing here?” she asked with extreme annoyance.

Unable to provide an answer, Hector and Kayla could only exchange glances with one another.

“Jesus Christ, where is Auto at?” she asked, approaching Hector and Kayla. At that moment, everyone heard Rayn scream, “GRAE!”

Sonya’s heart nearly dropped. At that moment someone yelled, “Open the gate!”

It was as if someone had a hold on Sonya’s lungs, making it hard for her to breathe, as she waited to see who or what came through the gate.

The gate began opening slowly, revealing a few shadows approaching the entrance. It took a few moments before Grae, Rayn, King, and Queen could be physically seen. King and Queen were each dragging a piece of the Hybrid Chaser (who had been cut in half). Grae was dragging Demon, as Rayn guided her back inside the campsite. She was seconds away from collapsing.

“Mom! Dad!” Sonya screamed before running to Rayn and Grae. The kids quickly followed her, a wave of relief flooded over them.

Before anyone could stop her, Sonya made her way to Grae, hugging her tightly around her waist. Grae, at that moment, fell backwards, landing on Rayn. They both landed on the floor.

The kids were on Grae and Rayn within seconds, crying hysterically. But Grae had fainted at that moment, startling the kids, Rayn, and those around them.

“DOC!” Rayn yelled. Doc ran, gently pushing aside the kids to get to Grae. She placed her fingers on Grae’s neck, before confirming she was unconscious.

“She is tired, but ok. We should get her to the clinic to rest.” she said. Rayn moved himself from beside Grae, and picked her up bridal style. Grae released Demon, and the foundation shook once again. King and Queen dragged their prizes into their quarters to feast.

“Is she going to be ok?” Hector asked. The question threw everyone off, as if they had forgotten Hector and Kayla were there.

Rayn was positively pissed. “What the fuck are they doing here?” he asked. “Why are they not getting reevaluated?”

“I just wanted to know if she was ok?” Hector said softly.

“Her wellbeing is none of your concern. Can someone please escort these two to the main post?” Rayn ordered sternly.

Hector wanted to stay. Though Grae obviously didn’t want anything to do with him, he felt obligated to check on her. But the way that everyone was looking at him, forced him to realize that he was the unwelcome guest.

Hector, after a few seconds of silence, was finally ushered away by another Outrider. Kayla wavered behind a few seconds longer, giving Rayn the nastiest look before leaving.

As they went through the second gate, they noticed an elderly woman frantically searching for something. She had to have been around her mid-sixties. She had her wavy silver hair into a tight ponytail.

“Mimi, the kids are by the front.” a female Outrider said.

The relief in her eyes could be easily felt by those around her. “Oh, thank goodness!” She ran past the second gate, and straight to the kids.

“Thank goodness you are alright! Please don’t leave me again!” she said with a sweet, high-pitched voice. She turned to see Rayn carrying an unconscious Grae. They were followed by Doc, and Sonya (who refused to be away from Grae). Sonya’s eyes were bloodshot red from her resisting to cry.

“Oh no, Grae!” Mimi exclaimed.

Rayn had to calm her down. Mimi looked at Grae as a “daughter”, especially since both have lost their mother and daughter respectively.

“Mimi, she is fine. Please lead the kids back to the house. We’re taking Grae to the clinic.” The kids quickly followed Mimi out of the area. Sonya, however, remained by Rayn and Grae’s side.

“Sonya, sweetie. Why don’t you wait for your parents at home?” Doc suggested. She tried to coax her away from Grae, but she didn’t move an inch. Wherever Rayn and Grae went, Sonya was going to follow.

Rayn let out a heavy sigh. “Sonya, don’t fall behind.” With that, Rayn moved on past the second gate, with Sonya right behind him.

Danny walked up to Doc. “She hasn’t gotten over Andrew’s death?”

Doc sighed, “It’s obvious she hasn’t. And she loves Grae so much, that she hardly does anything else but wait for her when she leaves. If anything happens to Grae, I don’t know what Sonya would do.”

With that Doc made her way to the clinic to watch over Grae. She knew, however, that Grae would be physically ok, something definitely changed. There was something sinister and fool afoot, and Grae unfortunately found herself in the middle of it.

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