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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

Chapter 15

Days Since Incident: 1,102

Time: 8:40

Location: Clinic

Climate: 65°F

Sonya did not move for an entire week. She sat right next to Grae, watching her breathing. Whenever Grae “stopped” breathing, for even a second, Sonya would scream for either Rayn or Doc. Doc had to reassure her multiple times, that she was still alive.

Rayn was in everyday, bringing Sonya fresh clothes and small meals to keep her well. Rayn had to continue working, especially in Grae’s absence. He had to meet with the other “Council Members” about the new arrivals, and other disturbing revelations.

The two kids that came with Hector and Kayla were doing better. They recommended bedridden, but had enough energy to talk. They had to deal with a very high fever, in the beginning, that lasted for a few days. They were in good spirits though, and made quick friends with Doc and Rayn.

“How are we doing today, Ray and Mia?” Doc asked, as she walked in their room. The kids had been playing with an old pink rubber ball, tossing it to each other from their respective beds.

“Hi Ms. Doc!” Mia said with excitement.

“Hi…” Ray said softly. He was still a bit shy in front of strangers.

The kids were in the biggest room in the clinic. There were only three rooms in this small clinic; two relatively small rooms, and a medium-size one. Thankfully, no other civilians were sick, leaving the clinic more or less empty.

Doc walked up to Ray, then Mia, checking their vitals. Though they weren’t fully healed (they were slowly building their stomach’s strength), they were making progress.

“Where is Hector and Kayla?” Mia asked. She had asked for them ever since she woke up. Once Rayn and Doc found out Mia and Ray WERE NOT Hector or Kayla’s kids, they were banned from visiting them. It was a form of protection for the kids, until they were sure Hector and Kayla weren’t a threat.

“They are being put to work.” Doc said. It wasn’t a lie: once they rested and ate, they were put to work to harvest. The group needed to make up for the additional mouths they’ve picked up.

“But once you guys are fully healed, we’ll return you guys to them.” Doc said, reassuring the two again.

There was a swift knock at the door. After a second or two, the door opened, revealing Rayn. He had two apples and an old comic book in his hands.

Rayn looked absolutely tired. From running back and forth from the house and clinic, and then completing his AND Grae’s responsibilities, he was left with at least three hours of sleep. Not to mention, this was the longest he had been apart from Grae. Everyday she spends asleep, it only adds onto his anxiety.

The other kids have been dying to see Grae, but have been kept busy by Mimi. She knew that once they heard Grae had been sleeping for days, they would never leave.

“Rayn!” Ray exclaimed. He attempted to get out of bed, but Rayn stopped him.

“Ray, you need to stay in bed.” Rayn said, walking up to Ray and patting his head.

“I brought a comic for you to read.” Rayn said, placing “Swamp Thing” on the dresser beside his bed. He placed the small apple on top of it.

“And for the lovely Mia.” Rayn said, placing the apple in her waiting hands. She still had the doll Rayn brought her yesterday.

“Thank you!” the kids said in unison. Rayn made himself comfortable, sitting next to Doc.

“Have you stopped by Grae’s room yet?” Doc asked.

“No, I’m heading there next.” Rayn said softly. “I just want her to wake up already.”

“I know. I want her to get up and walk around like she normally does. But she has been through a lot in one day. She needed the rest.” Doc said. She saw how gloomy he was the past week, and knew he tried to keep himself busy.

After a few minutes, Rayn excused himself, and walked over to Grae’s room. It was still pretty early, and he figured Sonya would be asleep right beside Grae. As he opened the door, he was greeted by something different.

Sonya laid on the hospital bed, snuggled between three blankets. Grae was on the chair, beside the bed, playing around with Sonya’s fingers. Grae still looked tired, but she looked to be without any pain.

Something came over Rayn at the moment, and before he had a chance to remember that she was still recovering, he ran to her and swallowed her in a hug.

He planted several kisses all over her face, before hugging her tightly again. “How are you feeling?” Rayn asked, eyeing her from top to bottom.

“I’m ok...just tired…” Grae said as she placed her head on his shoulder. She didn’t move, and for a split second, Rayn believed she had fallen asleep on him.

“You should probably rest.” Rayn said, ushering her back to a chair. Grae reluctantly sat down; she didn;t look up to resting again.

“How long was Sonya here for?” Grae asked.

“She didn’t move for a week. The kids miss you terribly.” Rayn said, sitting himself right next to her.

Grae looked at Sonya, and Rayn couldn’t help but notice how sad she looked. Grae and Sonya have been through; this was not the life she expected for Sonya.

“I’m going to get Doc, then afterwards we’ll go home.” Rayn said finally.

“Ok…” Grae responded.

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