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  • Writer's pictureGrae Queen

The Game (Horror Short Story)

The Platform

"Honorary guest, please jump onto the platform to await further instructions." the voice on the intercom said. A few began jumping onto the platform from the open doorway. I stood at the doorway unsure of what to do. I couldn't see what was underneath the platform, just neverending darkness. I could hear the unrest from the people behind me; I couldn't remain indecisive. I clutched my six-month old son, Caden, and made the leap.

The leap was about three feet in width, and I nearly tripped. Thankfully I had Caden safely wrapped in a scarf, that was tied tightly around my waist and chest. As I repositioned myself on top of the platform, I noticed that there was nothing holding it up. There was a three foot gap between the platform and wall, and only one door.

The platform seemed stable enough, despite the added weight of the 20 or so people on it. The platform seemed to be made of stainless steel, no bigger than an Olympic-size pool.

There were a lot of individuals that I recognized from high school, and a handful of single mothers that were from my neighborhood. And from what I could tell, everyone was a minority of some kind.

We all stood around, unsure of what to do for the first few minutes. As a few began to talk amongst themselves, I stood by myself with Caden, who had just woken up from a nap. As I focused on my restless Caden, someone approached me.

"Rebecca?" someone asked. I turned around and instantly recognized who the voice came from.

"Damion! It's good to see you!" I said, giving him a quick side hug. His eyes immediately settled at the small bundle I held in my hands. He began to smile, as his eyes lit up.

"And who might this be?" he asked, gently stroking Caden's side. Caden began to giggle; his laugh capturing the attention of those nearby.

"This is Caden, my son. He is six months old." I said, poking his cheeks to get him to laugh more. He was getting a lot of attention.

"Hello Caden!" he said. He held out both hands, politely asking if he could hold him. I wouldn't normally allow just anyone to hold Caden. I've learned my lesson with former family members, and I am still traumatized by it. But I felt somewhat comfortable with him, and I knew him to be a good person.

Once Damion had Caden, he began playing with him. Caden seemed to enjoy it; his laughter quickly filling the room. For the first time, in a long time, I finally had a few minutes to myself. I took the opportunity to stretch out my limbs; I never knew how heavy Caden was.

All of a sudden the voice on the intercom began to speak. "Thank you so much for your patience. We are excited that all of you from Spruce St, Bloomfield NJ, were able to participate in this game. As many of you noticed, we've asked parents, and single parents, to bring their kids, since the prize for winning is one that anyone would want.

"As we all know with our current economic situation, it is becoming harder to keep yourself afloat. That is why, the winner of our game will be given 500 million dollars, and a brand new home in Brookdale.

"There is only one catch: there can only be one winner. This means, in large families with multiple children, only one individual from that family may have a chance at the prize. The prize CANNOT be shared within families.

"As you have noticed, you are all on a platform, hanging over a 400 foot drop. There is only one exit, and the door will remain closed.

"Each of you received an envelope before entering the platform, which you were instructed to keep closed until the appropriate time. Inside each envelope is the name and picture of another individual on the platform. You must push the individual off the platform in order to keep yourself in the game. This includes any elderly, sick person, and yes, even babies.

"We understand that taking the life of another may be difficult, but we have taken the liberty of ensuring that there will be no literal blood in your hands. We are not asking for violence, but rather swift action. Remember, if you cannot see them suffering, it doesn't count.

"Honorary guest, please open your envelopes. I pray that you have the best chances of winning." After that, the intercom went quiet. Everyone on the platform was in shock; not a sound was made as everyone continued to take what was said. A handful began to murmur, and before long, chaos ensued. A few began to run towards the door, though the three foot gap was still there.

A young man attempted to leap towards the door, but couldn't secure himself on the landing. He tried to keep himself secured by grabbing onto the door, but it quickly became too much. Within seconds, he began attempting to jump back onto the platform. Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough. Though a few tried to help him back up, he ended up falling. His screams were so loud, as it echoed against the pure dark abyss below us. It was as if the walls were built so that every scream was reverberated.

The room grew silent again; everyone looking at the spot where the young man once stood. There was a sudden chime on the intercom.

"Congrats on the first push! Please continue with the game. As an incentive, we will be adding another 500 million to the reward, making it an one billion dollars. Remember the good this money could do for you. What is your dream? Do you want to start a new family? Do you want to live a lifestyle that you've only dreamt about? This is your opportunity."

After a moment of silence, the voice on the intercom said, "To make sure that the game continues, a portion of the platform will continue to break off at random moments."

The voice cut off, this time for good. The rest of the group began to look at each other, finally realizing there was no way out. Mothers began to hold their children closer, eyeing anyone that came close to them. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a single envelope. I opened it and read,


Age: 43

Mother of five."

Her picture showed a middle aged Hispanic woman. I remember seeing her before.

"Baby Caden

Age: 6 months

Son of Rebecca."

Damion said. My heart immediately sank...he was still holding onto my son.

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