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Writer's pictureGrae Queen

The Scream

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tried my hardest to keep myself physically together, but I couldn't stop myself from violently shaking. I began to cry and wail; I hope my neighbors called the police because of the screaming. I didn't care if they showed up, and broke down the door. I needed something…ANYTHING to stop the screaming.

Though my bedroom door remained closed, it felt like IT was sitting in front of me screaming. It was so a record player on top speed and nails grinding vigorously against a chalkboard. My mother's high pitched screaming only added onto this weird, petrifying situation.

It started less than five minutes ago, with the sound of something being dragged across the wooden floor outside my room. It was loud enough to wake me from my sleep, yet still quiet enough to not wake my mother up, who slept in the next room over.

Whatever it was, walked straight to my door. A loud bang echoed across my small room;it made me jump out of bed. I was standing straight; my eyes wide open. I was so scared to move, let alone breathe. Tears began to swell at the corner of my eyes.

There was a moment of silence; though it lasted a few minutes, it felt longer. Just as I made the resolve to go to the door, IT began screaming. It scared scared me down to my very core. I jumped a few feet back, pushing myself against the corner of my room.

Those few seconds felt like a lifetime, and all I wanted to do was to run outside. The second IT started screaming, my mom ran out of her room. I remember hearing her barefoot against the wooden floor in her room. The second she reached the hallway, she started screaming. Her voice started off high pitched, but it quickly became obvious she was going to lose her voice. Before long I began screaming; though I don't recall exactly why. Maybe to drown their sound with my own? Maybe I would wake up from this nightmare?

Then I noticed the wasn't locked. Whatever was outside wanted me to go crazy. I had no windows, or any other escape route. I was stuck…

My mom's voice had died suddenly. IT'S voice then grew louder, more ear piercing. I couldn't take it anymore! No one was coming to help. No sirens, no police officers, NOTHING! I was alone...alone with whatever IT was. IT wanted me to open the door. IT would've opened it by now if it wanted to. IT wanted me to willingly offer myself to IT. What scared me was my lack of options. I don't think I could stay in there much longer; I can't hear IT scream anymore.

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